Monday, August 13, 2018

Qualities Needed to Become The Best Service Agent


When you think about improving your business’ overall sales and revenue, there are a few things that come to mind. The main department involved in bringing you new customers and keeping them loyal and happy for a long time is the service department. In order to improve your company’s standard and revenue, you need to upgrade this department, as its progress will help your business’ bottom line. Hiring good service agents is important, after which you need to train them according to your company’s regulations and goals. Now how are you supposed to do that? For this, you will need to focus on the qualities needed to become an incredible service agent.

Let’s discuss a few traits that will make your support team members amazing at their job. First up comes the skill of remaining calm in any type of situation. In this job, your agent comes across many types of people each day; some will be unreasonable and some will take out their anger on you. You need to train your agents so that they remain positive and level-headed even in the toughest situations. It will help boost their credibility and will prevent them from making a mistake by saying something they will regret later. It is also important when making negotiations with customers.

A good service agent will know every detail about their company, its products and its regulations. This saves their time, as they do not need to ask someone else for details or ask the customer to contact another department. Customer service is about giving your customers an effortless service and doing as much as you can on your own. So having knowledge about their business, they will be efficient and quick, providing a satisfying service experience. This does not mean that they will teach the customer everything about the product, but only provide guidance where needed. You can either make sure that your agents learn each update that comes along or creates an internal knowledge base from where they can obtain information of various things.

Creating a friendly, professional and creative atmosphere in your support team’s office will keep their morale high and will help them develop a healthier mind. Doing this encourages them to master the skill of continuously learning and working on improving themselves. Give your agents the chance to keep learning by keeping sales training workshop after every few months. This will increase their productivity level and also encourage a little friendly competition among colleagues. This willpower to keep learning is also important as new software and updates keep coming, so when your company starts to use it, the employees are able to easily switch.

When getting back your customer feedback forms, you will notice how your agents will only focus on the positive feedback and ignore the negative ones. Another quality of a good service agent is that they do not ignore their own shortcomings. They search for the source of the problem and try resolving it, rather than ignoring it. Pessimistic agents get angry and upset easily and do not take the negative feedback seriously. 

Although these qualities are important to develop in your support team members, having an excellent help desk software is equally useful and important. Kayako helps your agents to provide a good service to customers, by providing the right tools which do more than half the work for them, this lessens their burden and allows them to focus on developing these service agent qualities.
Try using these methods and see how gradually your support team will improve their service providing skills.